PinnedPublished inThe ShadowThe Fight for Renewable Energy: Revisiting The China Syndrome (1979)The China Syndrome hit cinemas at the tail-end of the 1970s, a decade known for its shift in American culture following tragic events and…Mar 1, 202140Mar 1, 202140
The Elephant Man (1980) 4K RestorationIt goes without saying, 4K Ultra-High Definition releases are treats in their own right, but there’s an extra layer of satisfaction when…Apr 6, 2021Apr 6, 2021
Thief at 40: Revisiting Michael Mann’s Debut MasterpieceA brief, spoiler free look at Thief (1981).Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
Art in Isolation: Chantal Akerman’s “From the East”When millions of people across the United States began to adjust daily routines back in March of 2020 due to rising COVID-19 cases and…Jan 30, 2021Jan 30, 2021
Minnesota’s Coronavirus Tipping Point — We’re Not Out Of The Woods YetMinnesota is at a tipping point as we head into Labor Day weekend. As indicated yesterday during Governor Tim Walz‘s press conference…Sep 4, 2020Sep 4, 2020
Experience TENET on Large Format 70mm Motion Picture FilmAfter three delays throughout summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Christopher Nolan’s long awaited Tenet is ready to open in cinemas…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Black Lives Matter, Where To DonateMinneapolis, and the country, has reached a breaking point, but what happens when a country, city and people continue to reach a breaking…Jun 2, 2020Jun 2, 2020
LOST: A Study in Faith, Science and DestinyOnce upon a time there was an island, a plane crash and forty-eight survivors.May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
Corona Lockdown: Motion Picture FavoritesI’ve been in the most fortunate position since the beginning of the mid-March Minnesota quarantine, still miraculously employed during a…May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
Leadership In The Time of CoronaI often cite the last three years as the “dumbest point in American history”. While admittedly extreme — considering the incredible…Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020
COVID-19: We Are All In This TogetherHow can one party be so wildly blind and immune to facts? On Saturday, April 11th The Hill reported in an op-ed for the Washington…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Bernie Sanders Calls For $2,000 Per Month in Coronavirus Financial AidThe fact that a $1,000 one-time check to every American is being floated as an end-all financial solution during this unpredictable and…Mar 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
Love Trumps HateIf we’re going to reject everybody that fails a “purity test”, we aren’t accepting the possibility of individual change from folks that…Jan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
For the Love of DemocracyWhile the United States of America is the richest country in the history of the world — considered a beacon of prosperity and freedom —…Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020
Bernie Sanders and Universal School MealsOn Friday, November 15th influential public figures such as Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Jeff Goldblum, Dwayne Johnson, and many more…Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
Bernie Sanders: Strength in DiversityComing off the enthusiasm and disappointment from the 2016 presidential election, I feel compelled and energized to do my part, however…Oct 17, 2019Oct 17, 2019